Thursday, April 27, 2006 

More good stuff...

If you are in ministry I cannot recommend this book enough!

Here is some more meat from the book:

Tolerance is defined by Webster as sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own. The very idea of toleration implies enduring or putting up with something that you don't like or value. OUR CULTURE DIETS ON THE CANDY OF TOLERANCE, BUT WHAT IT REALLY CRAVES IS THE MEAT OF GRACE. Tolerance does not value people people but simply puts up with their behavior or beliefs. Tolerance alone cannot accommodate both justice and mercy- it can only look the other way. Tolerance might deal with differences, but it can't embrace us in full knowledge of sin and remove our guilt.

God is the most tolerant being in the universe. No one exhibits more tolerance for beliefs or practices conflicting with his own then God. Paul points this out in Romans 2, addressing those who judge others unworthy yet fail to see their own sin. "Do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance, and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you towards repentance? Yet God far exceeds the requirements of tolerance with grace. If we are to re-present God through the church, we must exhibit far more then tolerance. We too must show grace.

Wow, this is the response to the whole tolerance issue that I having been trying to come up with and yet never could! This book is really resonating with some of the frustrations that I have had in the past of trying to create an effective ministry to people that know knowing about God.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 


Ok so I am blogging today to prove I am still alive and well! I am very busy but let me tell you! This week I have been so busy studying the word with several new people at our church! I cannot wait to share with everyone some of the great stories that have come out of this week!

Don't give up on this blog! I will be back soon!

Friday, April 21, 2006 

No Perfect People Allowed!

I have been reading this book called, "No Perfect people allowed. Creating a come as you are culture in church." by John Burke

It is really an awesome book. This is cutting edge ministry stuff combining all of the postmodern/ emerging stuff with just practical common sense biblical teaching about what the church should be. He constantly compares the church of today with the Corinthian church. He says man they were messy, man they would not most likely fit into most of our churches today. I think he is for the most part right. I have not finished the book yet but I can't hardly put it down.

Here is my favorite quote so far:
No longer can we afford to stand on the cliffs high above the cultural mudslide, chastising people for not climbing out of the mess to come up to higher ground. No longer can we feel content throwing our heroic lifelines of propositions intended to save. No longer can we idly sit by, bemoaning change, wishing to turn back the clocks to nostalgic days gone by. No, it is time for Christian leaders, tethered to the lifeline of God's spirit and a community of faith, to gather up courage and plunge into the swirling mess of the cultural flow. Just as Paul said he did in Corinth, we too must try to bring them to Christ. We must emulate the God who dove right into the sewer of life himself in the body of Jesus. And we must reawaken his dream- God's dream of swimming this rescue mission on Earth through a new body- the Body of His church- Christ's Body re-presented.

I would love to hear your reactions to this quote. Especially if you are in ministry.

Monday, April 17, 2006 

Easter Sunday!

This is the image I used to help the audience focus on the message of my sermon. (both through powerpoint and the bulletin.)What a great picture and it really is worth 1,000 words!

Yesterday was Easter Sunday and we have a great worship service at our church. We had a very large crowd. I was very excited to see so many at our church for the very first time. My goal is to keep them coming. It might be tough but I know once they really begin to understand who God is that for some that will be all it takes. I was very happy to many of them signed our visitors cards and checked that they would like a visit. Hey visits are one of my favorite things! So I end this blog entry with a question? Why does Easter Sunday bring people to church that never come otherwise. I have pondered this question and while I can come up with several different answers none really answer what is at the heart of their attendance. This preacher is really happy about it, I mean it gives us such a great outreach opportunity right in our own church building!

P.s. I have received a few e-mails asking why I haven't been blogging everyday recently and the answer is that blogging is a luxury for me that I only have when time permits. My goal is still a daily blog but it will always be a goal and not a promise! Thanks to my dedicated readers! (Sounds strange to say that! :)

Friday, April 07, 2006 

My New Family!

Hello everyone! I know that I have taken a couple of days off from the blog but I have been distracted during my freetime recently. We have a new family! Really we just have an awesome young family staying with us for about a month until some things can get lined up with their home. I am learning a lot of kids and I must confess I love them! We are really enjoying getting to know this Christian family better!
Here are a few pictures of the family which are taken at the birth of their newest baby!

This has to be my favorite picture!

Monday, April 03, 2006 

Grace for the Journey...

I did not know His love before,
The way I know it now.
I could not see my need for Him,
My pride would not allow.
I had it all, without a care,
The "self-sufficient" lie.
My path was smooth, my sea was still,
Not a cloud was in my sky.

The ship that I had built myself
Was made of foolish pride.
It fell apart and left me bare,
With nowhere else to hide.
I had no strength or faith to face
The trials that lay ahead,
And so I simply spoke His name,
And bowed my weary head.

His loving arms enveloped me,
And then He helped me stand.
He said, "You still must face this storm,
But I will hold your hand."
So through the dark and lonely night,
He guided me through pain.
I could not see the light of day,
Or when I'd smile again.

Yet through the pain and endless tears,
My faith began to grow.
I could not see it at the time,
But my light began to glow.
I saw God's love in a brand new light,
His grace and mercy, too.
For only when all self was gone,
Could Jesus' love shine through.

It was not easy in the storm,
I sometimes wondered why.
At times I thought, "I can't go on."
I'd hurt, and doubt, and cry.
But Jesus never left my side,
He guided me each day.
Through pain and strife,
He helped me all the way.

And now I see as ne'er before,
How great His love can be.
How in my weakness He is strong,
How Jesus cares for me!
He worked it all out for my good,
Although the way was rough.
He only sent what I could bear,
And then He said, "Enough!"

He raised His hand and said, "Be still!"
He made the storm clouds cease.
He opened up the gates of joy,
And flooded me with peace.
I saw His face now clearer still,
I felt His presence strong,
I found anew His faithfulness,
He never did me wrong.

And now I know more storms will come,
But only for my good.
For pain and tears have helped me grow,
As nothing ever could.
I still have so much more to learn,
As Jesus works in me;
If in the storm I'll love Him more,
That's where I want to be!

About me

  • I'm Michael Potthoff
  • From Lake Charles, Louisiana, United States
  • My name is Michael Potthoff and I am 27 years old. I was raised in League City, Texas (close to Houston) I have a beautiful, godly wife name Ruth who makes me a better man! I have been in ministry close to 5 years now and Jesus Christ is my passion. Preaching His good news is something that I truly love! I am blessed to be able to do something that I truly love.
My profile
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