The Power of Passionate Preaching
I am not sure if it is true with all preachers but I love to hear a powerful sermon preached from God's word. I am moved during heartfelt times of worship and prayer but for me there is something very special about hearing the word of God preached. It might have something to do with me being the speaker most of the time but I really do love to hear the word of God preached. Sometimes it moves me into new directions and causes the walls that I tend to build up from time to time around my heart to come down. This past week I had the privilege of attending the Tulsa International Soul winning workshop. It is something that was much needed for this preacher. Just to sit and listen and feel like I have been trying to say something like that but I did not have the wisdom or skill to say it that well.
Now at this workshop there was a sermon preacher by two men that really moved my heart. One I know well, Randy Harris. Some call him the monk of the churches of Christ. Others call him Johnny Cash because he tends to wear black allot. I knew him first as my professor. In fact he was the professor for my preaching/ speaking classes and it is really great when the one that taught you can do it so well. The other man that preached this sermon is Jerry Taylor. I had never heard him before but I better understand know why he is becoming a well known preacher of God's Word.
I thought that the best way for me to explain the sermon and the impact that it has had on my heart was to share the sermon with you. So I am providing the link to the mp3 version of this sermon. It is large so it will take a few minutes to download but I promise you that it is well worth your time. Just so you know the first minute or so is a prayer so if you skip ahead to about 1:54 in the file you will get to the first part of the sermon. To download it more quickly simply right click the link below and chose save as or save file as. The sermon is started by Randy Harris and finished by Jerry Taylor. Please take the time to listen to the whole thing. I promise that it will be worth your time.
Right click here to download the sermon
P.S. I would love to hear your comments after you listen to the message.
Labels: jerry taylor, randy harris, sermon, tulsa, tulsa workshop
Hey bro! Enjoyed the post. Where you at? Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
Posted by Anonymous | 10:01 AM
Peace be with you Michael, as well as those able to read this message.(if not censored :-)
The time has come, the harvest is ripe.
Make sure to share this with fellow believers.
The Faithful Witness
Posted by Duke | 6:19 AM
Do you still check this? I've been trying to get up with you.
Posted by Warren Baldwin | 10:41 AM