Soul Winning Workshop
Tomorrow morning Ruth and I leave for Tulsa, Oklahoma to attend the International Soul winning workshop. We have never been to this event before. We have heard so much about it and so many different people are going this year. I have learned from some Christians that I know and love that come from a more conservative viewpoint that this event is one that I should not go to. That by my attendance that someone I am doing something wrong. Others have talked about the amazing encouragement that they get from worshiping with 30,000 other Christians. This year at the Tulsa worship is particularly interesting to me. The topic will be Unity. Specifically unity between the Church of Christ and the independent Christians churches. A meeting of this sort is very difficult for two reasons. Neither group is an actual denomination so they have no official people to represent them. It would be impossible to accurately represent both groups. Yet I view this meeting at this point as a positive one. Unity is something that the gospel talks about over and over again. God's wants us unified. As Christians that has been one of our biggest problems. We have been divided on some many issues. So for the next 3 days I will not be blogging but you can expect a super blog next Monday complete with reactions, observations, and lots of pictures. We have lots of friends that we are hoping to run into at the workshop. Pray for our safe travel! I look forward to this event pray that God will be glorified in it!